Future of CBP – Public Exhibition


As you may be aware, The Crown Estate has been exploring the future of Cambridge Business Park for a while, and will shortly be launching the first round of public consultation on the proposed vision for the Park. Later this month, we will be hosting consultation events on the Park, and invite you to attend to find out more about the emerging proposals and to share feedback.

There will be two in person public exhibitions held onsite in the Urban Room, Byron House:

Wednesday 20 November from 4pm – 8pm
Saturday 23 November from 10am – 2pm

Consultation materials will be available on the consultation website from the 20th November 2024, where you will also be able to share your feedback online and find out more about further consultation events. In the meantime, if you would like to speak to a member of the engagement team, please do not hesitate to get in touch using the details below:


Tel: 020 3900 3676